Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Minesweeper Record!

When I said before that gaming is serious business, I wasn't kidding in any way, manner, or form. Same goes for one of the most addicting free games around: Minesweeper.

Around a few weeks ago, I started doing the Minesweeper habit. Yup, once you get used to playing the game, it's sometimes hard to resist the temptation. Haha!

In any case, some time ago, a very good friend of mine, Ian, beat my record of 270 seconds on Expert mode in Minesweeper, as follows:

By luck, just some hours ago, well, just take a look for yoruselves:

(No photoshopping in any way, believe it.)

If you guys think you have a better record than mine, feel free to post or send in your pictures! Let's see if you can beat this record. Same goes for you, Ian! XD

Keep playing!

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