Saturday, August 30, 2008

Retrospect: Wild ARMs

The time was around the mid 90's. The SNES and Genesis were about to throw the towel as the top dogs in the gaming world as we are saying "farewell" to 16-bit gaming as we know it. Changes were abound in the corner, and no one knew what was going to happen.

Enter Sony's attempt to capture the gaming market: The Sony PlayStation.

As history will tell us, the PlayStation is simply one of the most popular systems to ever grace the world, and the PlayStation 2 would pick up the same pace and became just as popular (but I cannot say the same about the PlayStation 3, however). But back when it was starting, they definitely needed a powerhouse title in order to let everyone know that this system is truly worth the hype. Yes, it is the very same game that virtually started the whole "Final Fantasy Fanboy (FFF)" craze, that being Final Fantasy VII. So Sony definitely had a solid base to revolve the PS back in the day.

But many people fail to realize that while VII is a solid title to have, there is another title that deserves just as much attention. In a way, this is a title that ensured that even though things have changed, there are certainly things that definitely remained the same, and that's good for business:

Those who may not be familiar with the first title, it is simply about three heroes saving the world against demons from ruling over Filgaia (a name what would have been significant as the sequels come by). Yes, the premise is simple, but in the big picture, it's anything but.

It is a time when 3D gaming would officially take the spotlight, and it is common conception that through evolution, some things are forgotten. The story is very enticing in a fantasy-esque setting, as much as it has a unique take on the usual gaming format found in role-playing games. It is part-puzzle game as well, if you consider the challenges faced to get through certain dungeons.

Personally, it is one of my top favorite franchises for retaining its fantasy feel with a Western twist in a time that graphics and coolness are on top of anyone's minds. Case in point: Final Fantasy VII. Don't get me wrong, FFVII will always have a special place in gaming history for its amazing contributions. But Wild ARMs will always have a special place in the heart of gamers who prefer to not forget where RPG's are built upon, when it is the very story of the game, as well as its unique gameplay, that has captured the imagination of gamers and make them feel that they are like reading a novel that keeps them coming back for more. Yes, I said it, coming back for more. VII and ARMs are polar opposites in this case, with VII boasting on graphics and awesomeness while ARMs can be proud of their wonderful story and old-school feel. Save for the anime-ish looks, that's a bonus that's pretty cool in my book.

Thank God for whoever made this game, and this franchise as a whole. Those who have not tried this game yet, I seriously urge you to consider saving your time to experience one of the most gratuitous RPG's in history. Bank on it.

Keep playing!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Lance, I'm having an orgasm of childhood memories right now. *Shivers* I remember the original ARMs, and how you kinda had the ending right at the beginning of the game after some city was attacked, then all of a sudden, wham, a new threat must be taken care of.

I remember the awesomeness in WARMS2, when you find out that your some legendary dark knight. Great story indeed.

However, one thing I hated about the series was that they give you so many climactic moments in which you think, this is it. Then after some epic boss battle, you find out that another threat has arrived (I'm pointing at you Mr. WARMs 3 and your darn dragon boss!). Hrrrrrm. I never got to play the 4th game since my PS2, God rest its soul, suffers from the dreaded DRE (Disk read error) syndrome.

Lance Tan Ong said...

Good points made there, but don't forget that there are other games out there that have pulled off the "bigger threat after the first threat has been taken care of" routine. Take Sephiroth, for one. =)

You should seriously try out the fourth game when you get the chance. And Alter Code F as well. Oh, you do know there is a 5th installment for the PS2 and Wild ARMs XF for the PSP, yes? =)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but at least it was a give away that Sephiroth was the main bad guy.

Yeah, I heard about the 5th one too and a spin off on the PSP. But, honestly, my days of playing RPGs has ended, or at least JRPGs. My last was Lost Odyssey. I have no plans on getting Vepseria or FF13...

Lance Tan Ong said...

You should definitely give the 5th one a try at least. It's simply definitely worth your while, and it'll be an awesome rush. =)

FF13 seems to be pretty cool as far as right now is concerned. It should be quite an investment. Who knows, it could give your RPG juices a much-needed boost. XD