Sunday, November 2, 2008

Suda51 is the Quentin Tarantino of Gaming

Those who either do not have a Wii or have not been keen on Wii-formed violence may not have heard of the announcement regarding No More Heroes 2 coming soon. If you just found that out by reading what I just wrote, then, now you know.

But for fans of this franchise, I'm pretty sure you can't wait to see this game and experience all the nonsense violence that this game has been known for (along with that certain unique way you charge up your weapon. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, let's just say it's a prelude to maturity). And the game deserves all the props in the world for developing and conceptualizing such an over-the-top game.

But as much as I love this game's off-beat nature, I tell you, there is another game that deserves all the respect in the world. If you think No More Heroes is bizarre, quirky, and fun in a dark way, then you certainly have never tried this game before:

killer7 (available for the now-defunct Gamecube and the still-surviving PS2) revolves around one man embodying the personalities (or bodies) of 7 established killers, making for one of the most beautiful and outstanding blood-filled festivals in history, honestly speaking. Now, I cannot get into detail when it comes to the story for it has a unique plot that spans from killing targets to a screwed-up take on pop and J-culture, and even an amazing theory on the US government! But I urge you to at least get the chance to play this game even once. This game can beat most movie experiences you can come up, NA or Japanese. Let me tell you, the story of this game is so detailed and thought through that you can put any crazy thing you can think of and put these elements in the middle, and still come up with an excellent experience for those who are playing the game.

And who is the man responsible for this?

Suda Goichi, more popularly known as Suda51.

Yes, he's contributed to pro wrestling games as well as other reputable games that he can easily put on his resume, but killer7 has made a believer out of everyone who has played this game. Let's face it, storylines in games tend to be too cliche, or even boring for today's tastes. Suda51 has brought up the level of storytelling and gaming interface to levels never thought possible, enabling out-of-the-box ideas to make a masterpiece from a canvas. He has the balls to pull anything out of a hat, even if it's too violent and unusual for anyone's tastes, and make it look really good.

Alas, it is easy to say that Suda51 is the Quentin Tarantino of gaming. Quentin Tarantino did have a tough road starting out, but it was Pulp Fiction that made him who he is today (and for those who watched the film, you can see the similarities). Suda51 is the visionary we need for originality to strive. And with the re-release of Flower, Sun, and Rain coming soon for the Nintendo DS, things are looking up for the guy that used to be an undertaker. I salute you, sir!

Oh, want to see what I'm talking about? This is from killer7. Thank you, Suda!


Anonymous said...

First of all, wooooooooot to the next NMH!!! Even if the first game was sort of a grind between assassinations, I still thoroughly enjoyed the story and the over-the-top wacky ending. The announcement of NMH2 was inevitable, especially when you introduce a bunch of new characters during the ending sequence.

On to Killer7, I've never had the chance to play it since my PS2 has the Disc Read Error problem and I don't have a GameCube controller for my Wii. But hopefully I'll get the chance to play it. I watched a few videos of Killer7 on youtube a year ago. Some of the videos I saw were extremely psychotic and satirical.

Lance Tan Ong said...

Hope for a future remake of killer7 until then. Man, that'd be great!

I tell you, Suda can do whatever the hell he wants at this point, after he's proven the success of both killer7 and NMH. He's certainly built a cult following, truly. XP